My Life thorough Books Tag




I, dear ponies, have done something I have never done before!


I have made a tag.


This is the good stuff, kitty. (I don’t understand why I don’t chop your head off…)




So a little back story a couple weeks ago ponymad2booklover @ Galloping Free put up this post (CLICK HERE)

And at the very bottom she said

(Feel free to tell me your life through books. It would be fun doing this as a tag I suppose. Hmmm… can’t be bothered. Anyone want to do it? Please tell me!)

And then I suppose a light bulb went over my head. (I’m a writer. I’m always supposing)




I’d forget about it, then remember, then forget (You know how that goes…) But now I’ve finally made the questions, the picture and every I need to make a tag.

So without further ado, the My Life though Books Tag!



Baby: Did like to read when you were little?

Yes I did. Little reader since I could er.. read.


Toddler:What was your favorite picture book?

download (4)

I remember going to a Chapters and choosing Goodnight, My Duckling. I felt so proud about choosing a book all by myself. (You know how little ones are…)


Child:Did you go through/are in a book ‘phase’? (Like reading the thickest books, reading all of an author’s books etc.)

Um… (I’m stumped by my own equation) I really liked Nancy Rue’s books. (Lilly series,Sophie series,Lucy series etc.) Also when I was a tween I really like the Mandie books



Tween:What books made/make you feel grown up?

The fact that I read The Yearling (Classic book) in one day. (400 page book)




Teen:What are/where books that you rave/d about?

I loved the Mandie series (like I mentioned above) I now really like Sigmund Brouwers books

(Those who read my blog know that…)


Adult: What are books that used to seem boring to you but now you really like?

I got Little Women when I was like 6 or 7 or 8 (I DON’T KNOW!) and I would try my hardest to read it but Little Women got boring. Now It is a treasured book on my shelf.


Elderly: What book from your childhood and/or teen years that you still cherish?


The Lucy series. It’s middle grade but I still love it. (Always have, Always will)


So know I’ll tag people (and hope if they want to do it.) For those wondering when tagging, The number is four. (Just cause)

Galloping Free

Stay and Watch the Stars

A Hufflepuffs Thoughts

Sometimes I’m a Story

And anyone who wants to do it!

For those doing the tag here is the tag questions below (Also if you can take the picture that say My Life thorough Books Tag)


Baby:Did like to read when you were little?

Toddler:What was your favorite picture book?

Child:Did you go through/are in a book ‘phase’? (Like reading the thickest books, reading all of an author’s books etc.)

Tween:What books made/make you feel grown up?

Teen:What are/where books that you rave/d about?

Adult: What are books that used to seem boring to you but now you really like?

Elderly: What book from your childhood and/or teen years that you still cherish?


Does this sound like a fun tag?




15 thoughts on “My Life thorough Books Tag

  1. Katie Grace

    Ooh! I remember reading the Mandie series. Those were some of my favorite books, though I was always bothered that her name wasn’t spelled, “Mandy.” xP


  2. Pingback: My Life Through Books Tag | Stay and Watch the Stars

  3. Hi Rebekah! This is a great tag! What a brilliant idea. (I found you through Heather’s tag.) That cat gifs made me ‘Aww’ all the way through this. :3 I’ve done it as well and posted it on my blog. (Here’s a LINK.)


  4. Pingback: Weekly Wrap-Up #1 Awards and Dentists Trips | Horse Feathers

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